+32 473 549 557
Transport of people is exclusively on BMW k1600 and Honda Goldwing 1800, the most comfortable motorcycles on the market.
The service is available in Brussels and its suburbs with reservation on-line or by phone.
The rider will have the professional insurance documents in relation to the transport of people by motorcycle with him. You may request to see these.
Plan your movements without worrying about traffic congestion, save time and arrive in time for your appointments. Move around freely and comfortably on our grand tourer motorcycles, the exclusive BMW k1600 and the Honda Goldwing.
We guarantee the best fittings for a comfortable and safe journey: heated seat, helmet fitted with single use head protection, integrated wireless technologies (ease of communication with the rider), protective cover, coat and gloves, luggage panniers for a carry-on case and storage space in the trunk.